Saturday, August 16, 2008


Well, we have a new addition to the Nord family...

Meet...Dayzee!!!! She is 1-2 years old, part Australian Shepherd, Border Collie and maybe a little Sheep dog. She wieghs about 50 or 60 lbs...bigger than I originally wanted but she is just so sweet. She is spayed, house trained and micro chipped. So, how can you go wrong?

She is also VERY gentle and protecting of Dalaynee (and me)! I think Jeff would have liked her...he knew a lot about dogs and we were talking about adopting one a year or 2 before his tumor was found.

One thing.....
When we were out of the house most of today and then a few hours this evening...and after I didn't close the back door well enough (she is inside only when we are home)...she got in the house and because we weren't there, I think, she...well...see for yourself...

That's right...bit into and tore up our fake wood mini blinds!!! I was very upset and Dalaynee was crying because she thought I wanted to get rid of Dayzee. I assured her that Dayzee is a part of our family now, and just like I don't get rid of her when she does something that upsets me, I won't get rid of Dayzee.

Also, I started working on a volunteer basis at church this week...I'm doing administrative stuff for a friend of mine that is the Coordinator of our Compton Initiative. This was my first week...Mon, Wed, Fri...I am loving it!!!!

Well, just some new happenings around our abode! Bless you all!!! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers...we are experiencing God's presence and peace!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

We're Back!

Well, we returned from our trip last week and only now am I able to post some photos...

We stopped to use the facilities here...we found out there were none to use...BUT...there was this cool Jack Rabbit to sit on!!!! What a lucky break!!!!

Just one of many beautiful sunsets along the way!!

We ended up stopping in Omaha to meet up with my cousin Gina...then we took her daughter, Leah, to Sioux Falls to stay with her parents (Uncle Butch, mom's brother, & Aunt Ev) for a few days...Dalaynee and Leah had a great time traveling together for a few hours!!!

I tried very hard to take a cute picture of Dalaynee and Leah standing against this wall and my daughter, of course, wouldn't stay put...

When I raised my voice, she just thought it was that much funnier to run towards the camera! Oh well, it did make for a cute picture!!! =)

Here's just some various pictures of the few days we spent at my Uncle Dick and Aunt Mary's house...
They had a trampoline...Dalaynee spent much time here!

Also, she got to get a ride on a real horse! Anna is the one giving Dalaynee a ride...she is the girlfriend of my cousin Ann's son Daniel! The other rider is Ann's daughter Cerita! They were all so good to Dalaynee...Thanks so much you guys!!!!

This is, from left to right, my cousin Deedre, her sister Ann (holding Riley, the granddaughter of their sister Connie), and of course, my mom.

These 4 lovely ladies are my cousin Connie's daughters...from left to right...Rene, Brittney, Deedre, & Cerita (not sure of spelling). Rene has 2 children, Aiden & Riley; Cerita has 1 daughter, Adalay.

This is my cousin Deedre's son Jamie, he got the great idea to put an air mattress on the hammock...looked very comfortable...

But all good things come to an end I suppose...

We tried his good idea again...and it worked pretty good if you stayed still! This is my cousin Deedre and Dalaynee.

Here's is the couple of the Uncle Dick (dad's brother) and Aunt Mary...they were celebrating 55 years of wedded bliss!

Here's everyone trying to set the timers on their cameras to get the ultimate photo!

This is my cousin Connie's granddaughter Adalay.

This is Connie's other granddaughter, Riley.

Here's my uncle and aunt's crew trying to get set up for a group shot.

So that's it...we had a really great time! Thank you to our Minnesota family!!

Bless you all!!!