Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thankful for the little things

Keep praying!!!! Yesterday there were at least 3 occasions when Jeff was able to hold on to a few facts for longer than just minutes!!!! I am thankful...that tells me that it's all in there somewhere and maybe just hearing it over and over is helping it to stick...anyway, I'm also thankful that his memory is the only problem he has right headaches or nausea!!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!!!


Monday, November 26, 2007

Quick Prayer Request

As I told you in my last post, Jeff has started to forget that he has cancer...sometimes within minutes. Today someone said to me, "Why remind him?" "Why not just let him forget?" The answer is that Jeff is not the type who would want to be kept in the dark about something serious, plus he looks in the mirror and wonders why his head is bald on the sides (he hasn't done chrome dome in a few weeks)! Anyway, my hopeful spirit has depleted some from 20 or more times a day of telling him, "They won't operate, but it is not hopeless because they haven't exhausted all their treatment options yet". Then he will ask me if the treatments they've done have worked...I tell him that they haven't seen much change in the tumor so they might change his treatment soon...inside I'm screaming, because it all sounds so hopeless to me!!!
Please pray that I will regain my hope so my strength will just radiate onto Jeff when he is shocked over and over with the fact that he has brain cancer.

Thank you!!!!! God be with you!!!!


Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Well, the doctor at Cedar Sinai looked at the MRI and came in to tell us that he believes he sees a little more tumor on the CD...since we did not get a written report with the CD he's not sure if that is really what he saw. In any case, if there is a bit of growth, he wants to change the Chemo that Jeff is taking (he will get back to us about that) we are, a little more uncertain about the future, but we continue to trust God and will take one day at a time. Also, there has been a slight change in his memory loss in the past few days...he sometimes forgets how sick he is & he forgets that his mom passed away 2 years ago...both of these things are very hard for me to re-tell him because of the shock they cause.

Thank you again for the prayer support and all the monetary gifts...we continue to be overwhelmed with blessing!!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


Just a quick reminder...Jeff is getting another MRI this afternoon and then on Wednesday morning we have an appointment at Cedar Sinai to go over the results. Please pray for good news!!! Jeff has been doing better this past week with headaches and nausea...however, yesterday he got a headache just before we left church about 12 or 12:30p, I gave him pain reliever as often as the Doc said I can, and at 7:30p he was still in bed with a headache...he finally had relief about 9:30 or 10p...he also starts chemo again today, but so far he seems to feel okay, please continue to pray for no severe side effects...I'll be sure to let you know what we find out on Wednesday.

As always...Thank you for your prayers and may God richly bless all of you!!!


Friday, November 9, 2007


Howdy all!

Well, I just read my last post and decided that not much has changed with Jeff...he's still pretty depressed (although we have 2 meds that should start working a bit better here in a few days)...the headaches & nausea, which got a little worse after my last post, have settled down again...the last 3 days, he hasn't had more than 1-2 (not too severe) headaches per day and the nausea is not as severe either!!! Praise God!!!! He has to take the Chemo again during Thanksgiving week, so please pray that the side affects lessen, so he can enjoy the holiday.

For those of you with access to my sister's blog, you know we had "Trunk or Treat" at our church (Dalaynee was a pink poodle, I thought is was a lamb...but was corrected) and that we went to's a few photos that Laur didn't post...


Caring for Mom, BGC (Before getting candy).

Daddy & Dalaynee, AGC (After getting candy).


Shooting the breeze! Relaxing by the pool (um, I mean, Ocean)!

Holy Cow (not what I really said)...this water is cold!!!!! Of course Dalaynee didn't feel the cold...she's laughing her head off about my screaming!!!

Playing in the water and Posing for Auntie Laur

Saturday, Nov 3rd, was "Papa's" birthday...When you're 3, birthdays & candles are the BEST!!!!!

We had a WONDERFUL relaxing time! THANK YOU YARGERS!!!!

We now have a date for the next MRI...Nov 19th in the afternoon...please pray that the results show shrinkage or no tumor at all!!! Also, pray for my friend Susan as she is again back in the hospital with Meningitis...and fluid buildup...she may be there for a week or so...also, Mike, her husband has been battling gull stones and was looking into gull bladder surgery when Susan was admitted, so they are going through the ringer right now!

As for Coffee Break this past Wednesday, part of the lesson was about submitting to God's will and not trying to figure out our lives on our own. Wow! Even though that's difficult in any situation it's really difficult when you're dealing with life and death, I am afraid of what God's will is...please pray that Jeff & I get to a point that we can completely submit and be thankful for this trial and joyful in the midst of it. Honestly, there are some days when I can be joyful, but other days it's harder.

Dalaynee is doing better at school with the hitting thing, so that is a definite praise! I just spoke with Zack tonight and it looks like school is going good for him and Andrew is doing pretty good as well, he's cleaning pools again and seems to make ends meet.

As always...we are most grateful for the love and support we've received from our church family, our friends and family...The Lord truly provides!!!!! We continue to ask that God help us to be a blessing as we have been blessed

PS-thank you to the anonymous giver of cash that we received in the mail on are one of the many blessings in this journey!!!