Monday, May 30, 2011

The latest...

Today Dad was about the energy, no appetite, and very sleepy.  We finally decided to have his Oncologist, who is out til Tuesday (because of the holiday tomorrow), paged and when he called back I explained the situation and asked if he thought it was time for Hospice.  He said "it is never, not time for Hospice!" I told him that Dad would not like to be put into a hospital and he said with Hospice Dad's wishes would be followed (I already knew that, since I just delt with Hospice a little over 3 years ago).  Anyway, the doc gave me a "verbal" ok to start Hospice and when I told that to Alpenglow (the same company that helped me with Jeff), they said they can't usually do that, but since they knew Jeff's doc, they would go ahead.  Anyway, Hospice will be at Mon & Dad's house tomorrow afternoon to do an evaluation. 

Join me in praying that God will spare Dad from pain...Thank you! 

Friday, May 27, 2011


Hello all, sorry it's been awhile since I've updated. Dad is very weak and doesn't have much of an appetite.  The Dr. thought this new hormone would increase his appetite and give him more energy, and even though it did seem to make a difference for isn't helping much now. Please just pray for God's mercy for Dad and strength for Mom and wisdom for all of us to make the right treatment decisions.

Thank you, God be with you!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


See the post from 4/29...that was started then and finished today.  Sorry for the confusion.


Friday, May 13, 2011


Just a note...I will update this weekend...having trouble with laptop keyboard. I'll borrow Laur's and update...sorry for the delay!