Friday, September 16, 2011

life as of 9-16-11

Hello all,
Just thought I'd update this. Mom is doing real well...she has her moments, but God is good. Dalaynee and I have a busy schedule...Monday-gymnastics...Tuesday-Kid's choir at church...Wednesday-homework (she has one math paper and 75 min of reading to do each week)...Thursday-Soccer Practice...Friday-Soccer Practice...Saturday-Soccer game. Still trying to figure all the timing out.

"God please grant me a peaceful spirit!!!!"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hello all,

Mom is doing pretty good. Now is the start of no more visitors, and dealing with the legal stuff of taking Dad's name off of stuff etc. I know this well, although it's not as tramatic for mom and she says that's because Dad was in his 80's and she has experienced wonderful things in her almost 56 years of marriage with him. Very different than my and Jeff's 9 years of marriage. Anyway you cut it, it is hard to say goodbye to your mate.

Thank you ALL, for your prayers!!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to...

My (step) son, Andy (his baby will be born in November). To my brother, Danny, he has 3 wonderful kids!!! To Mom, Sue, Laur, Dalaynee, & me this Father's day is harder to celebrate. Thank you for your prayers.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Most of you already know, but my dear father is now in heaven with his Savior. We are so grateful for God's peace and mercy!

The service details are: Viewing is on Wednesday, June 15 from 6p to 9p at Del Angel Mortuary, 10333 E. Alondra, Bellflower. And the graveside service is on Thursday, June 16th at 10a (open to everyone) and Funeral service is at 11:30 at ERC with lunch after.

Also, all family please meet in the fellowship hall at ERC prior to the Funeral service.

Bless you, Jayne

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Have Mercy

I was at Mom and Dad's house most of the day, I have been doing that since last week Friday, as have my siblings.  Before I left I went in to say goodbye to Dad, I asked if he needed anything, and his response was "naw, I just wish this was over."  I said, "Are you ready to go to Glory, Dad?" He said, "yeah." I told him I was sorry and he said "That's just how life goes sometimes, I guess."  I told him we were praying for God to have mercy and he said "I know."  Needless to say, I cried all the way home.  The thought ran through my head that Jeff may have felt that way too (wishing the waiting to go to heaven was done), however he was more confused than Dad and didn't say anything.  Please continue to pray for God's mercy for Dad and that he is spared from pain and lingering.  So far he still doesn't complain of pain, the hospice personnel are surprised by is completely an answer to prayer...Thank you for your consistency.

Peace to you all!


Monday, May 30, 2011

The latest...

Today Dad was about the energy, no appetite, and very sleepy.  We finally decided to have his Oncologist, who is out til Tuesday (because of the holiday tomorrow), paged and when he called back I explained the situation and asked if he thought it was time for Hospice.  He said "it is never, not time for Hospice!" I told him that Dad would not like to be put into a hospital and he said with Hospice Dad's wishes would be followed (I already knew that, since I just delt with Hospice a little over 3 years ago).  Anyway, the doc gave me a "verbal" ok to start Hospice and when I told that to Alpenglow (the same company that helped me with Jeff), they said they can't usually do that, but since they knew Jeff's doc, they would go ahead.  Anyway, Hospice will be at Mon & Dad's house tomorrow afternoon to do an evaluation. 

Join me in praying that God will spare Dad from pain...Thank you! 

Friday, May 27, 2011


Hello all, sorry it's been awhile since I've updated. Dad is very weak and doesn't have much of an appetite.  The Dr. thought this new hormone would increase his appetite and give him more energy, and even though it did seem to make a difference for isn't helping much now. Please just pray for God's mercy for Dad and strength for Mom and wisdom for all of us to make the right treatment decisions.

Thank you, God be with you!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


See the post from 4/29...that was started then and finished today.  Sorry for the confusion.


Friday, May 13, 2011


Just a note...I will update this weekend...having trouble with laptop keyboard. I'll borrow Laur's and update...sorry for the delay!

Friday, April 29, 2011


Well everyone,
I'm on Laur's laptop now.  Dad did not have a great day.  He didn't get out of bed much or eat much...Susie and Bill brought Mom and Dad dinner tonight and at the advice of Judy (my RN sister-in-law) Mom and Sue told him that he HAD to get up so his weakness wouldn't get worse. I guess that was what it took...he got up and even ate a little chicken soup and watched Wheel of Fortune...we are thankful!!!!! Please pray that God's faithfulness is Great and that the morning will bring new mercies!!!!  

Bless you!!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Dad's pain seems to be a bit better...thank you for your prayers. He complained about stiffness in his legs and so we got him a walker to use around the house...God gave me the wisdom to broach the subject with him and he KIND OF liked the idea...his appetite is not great, but mom is making sure he's drinking those vitamin drinks (Boost). Please pray that his appetite gets better, that he has more strength in his legs and that God continue to spare him from pain.

Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer!!!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Prayer needed!!!

Hello again...
Dad woke up this morning with lower back pain. He missed church...missing church is a big thing for Dad...please pray that this is the most pain he will experience, and not just a start of more to come.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!! You are a blessing!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thank you Lord!

Just a quick note to let you know that apparently, Dad did just sleep on his should wrong, the next day it felt better and he never took any Motrin!!!

...until next I post...

Monday, April 11, 2011


Hello all...
Dad got out of bed this morning and told mom that his shoulder blade was sore...he figured he just slept wrong on it. When mom asked me what I thought, I said let's call the Dr. just to make when the nurse called me back she said for him to just take Motrin, which is good to use when you have bone pain. We are still glad they are not going to jump into treatments. Please pray that Dad DID just sleep wrong on his shoulder and that God DOES continue to spare him from pain. are the BEST!!!!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dr. Blitzer (Chemo Consult)

Hello all,
Went to see Dr. Blitzer with mom & dad today (same Oncologist Jeff had in Long Beach, CA). He looked at Dad's mri results and said that since Dad wasn't having any pain at this point, he believes that Chemo and Radiation should be "put in our back pocket", in other words, let's not go to that length right he wants to see dad again in 6 weeks after blood work has been done and then we will probably just do more hormone therapy...doesn't want to cause dad any unnecessary pain or discomfort...we are so thankful for a Dr. that sees eye to eye with us!!

Please continue to lift us up in prayer!!!! Thank you!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Please pray...

We have the consultation with the chemo doctor tomorrow...I'll update this when I have more info.

Thank you!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Still Thankful!

Just thought I'd post that not too much has changed with Dad. He still eats and sleeps fine and has no pain.

We are extremely GRATEFUL!!!!! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The results

The Radiologist called yesterday and the mri showed cancer on Dad's neck in addition to spine, pelvis and rib. The cancer has not reached Dad's spinal cord yet, which is good news...also Dad still is having no pain, Thank you Lord!!!

We have an appointment with the Chemo Oncologist on the 31st (first available) to find out his suggestions.

Please pray that God continue to spare Dad from any pain and that there is a cancellation at the Chemo Oncologists so we can get in sooner.

Thank you faithful prayer warriors!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


The scan Dad had last week went pretty well...we should know the results early this week. I'll let you know what we find out!!!!

Thank you all for your prayers!!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Next Step

Well, we had a consultation today with a radiation Oncologist. He seemed somewhat pleased that Dad has no pain (we are pleased about that too!). He mentioned that when there is cancer in a "support bone" namely, his spine, there is a concern because if the cancer were to weaken the bone there could be a lot of pain and if it goes all the way to the spinal cord then there's a chance of paralysis. His advice to us was to get an mri done so they can see what the cancer is will wait for a mri appointment. He also wants us to see a Chemo Oncologist, so we will do that too. So far, that is it...thank you for your prayers!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


With Valentine's Day quickly aproaching, I remembered today how my dear husband would, almost every year, have a dozen roses delivered to my office. There was one year that I told him roses were too expensive and that I would be happy with carnations...they last longer and it was the thought that counted after all! The next year he DID save money...he was the delivery boy and he got the vase from home!!!! The flowers were still roses, however.....and somehow the thought counted sooooo much more!!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Well, not too much new information on Dad. He seems to be feeling ok and mom says he's eating and sleeping good...I'm thankful!! We have an appointment on the 15th with the Oncologist, we will know more about future treatments etc after that.

Thanks you sooooo much for your prayers...God's blessings!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hello all,

It's been quite a while since I've updated this. Now I have decided to use it to place updates on my Dad. 8 years ago in 2002 he was diagnosed with prostate cancer...since then he has been getting chemo shots every 3 months along with different meds.  Last week or the week before his doctor said he needed a bone scan...well, we received the results yesterday and his prostate cancer has spread to his bones...into the spine, pelvis area and rib.  They are recommending chemo as our next step.  Well, pretty much all who read this know that I've been at this place before...just a different important man in my life.  Please pray that the chemo side affects are mild and that pain is a nutshell...may God have mercy on my dear father and give him peace.  Thank you for once again tuning in to this blog.

God bless you all!!!!!!