Thursday, February 28, 2008

Not good news

Hello all,

We received the results of Jeff's recent MRI and it shows more tumor growth, which means that the treatments he is currently having did not work. We are waiting to hear from the doctor at Cedar Sinai if there are clinical trials available that Jeff would qualify for (we have an appointment with him on Tuesday)...and more than that we wait on the Lord!!!! The doctor said without treatment Jeff would probably live less than 1 year and if we find a trial that will work, maybe more than 1 year, but probably not 5 years. We are in shock and sad, but very much trusting God...Pastor Harold at our church just reminded us that absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God and that is soooo true. Please continue to pray for strength, comfort, joy in each day & direction.

God's peace be with you all!

~Jayne ~

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Just a reminder...

Jeff is having an MRI tomorrow afternoon and we will find out the results on pray for shrinkage. My hope is that this treatment is working and the tumor is writhing in anguish as it is being shrunk and obliterated!!!! =)

The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make His face to shine upon you
and be gracious unto you.
The Lord lift His countenance upon you
and give you peace! Amen


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Quick prayer request..

Hello All!

Just a quick note...everything is still looking improved for Jeff, we are very thankful to God!!!

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this in a post at all, but in addition to the cancer doctors we are seeing a Chiropractor friend from our church...he is knowledgeable in more than just chiropractic...he has studied other ways to help people stay healthy...kind of holistic medicine. Anyway, he has this machine that analyzes your whole body by scanning the palms of your hands, your bare feet and has probes attached to your forehead...the end result is an overview of the organs of your body and if they are stressed or overworked etc... Jeff's first scan was done about a month ago and everything looked pretty good...just a little overworked trying to detox itself from the chemo etc... We had another scan report today and Dr. Jim says that there are much improvements from the last one...he actually said that from what he sees in comparing the 2 scans, he doesn't believe that God is going to take Jeff home anytime soon...if that doesn't boost your hope what will!!!! Now for the prayer need...Dr. Jim also said that Jeff would do even better if we would change his diet to low carb (which would also be good for me) and if Jeff could stop smoking cigars. Jeff is having a hard time with the cigar thing and I am having a hard time with the diet thing...BUT...both of them have to change, so please pray for us that we have determination, strength and that the transitions in our eating habits and Jeff's smoking are not too terribly difficult!!!

Thank you! We are richly blessed with a support system that is out of this world!!!!
Bless you...Jayne

Sunday, February 17, 2008

My funny Valentine!!

A week ago Friday the junior high group at our church put on thier annual Valentine Dinner. We usually go with Mom & Dad and was a very fun time and wonderful food!! The theme this year was "Out of this world". If you've looked at my sisters blog you've seen the photo of me being "The Force"'s the photo they took of my Valentine and I.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Just want to share our praise with all of you!! Jeff's attitude is much improved!! Many times he has told me that he doesn't believe that God is finished with him here yet...AMEN!! He is helping out with household chores like laundry and dishes etc...PRAISE JESUS!! He is really making an effort to have more patience with Dalaynee...HALLELUAH!! Also, we have been having more instances when we are able to laugh...about stupid stuff or whatever...GLORY TO GOD!! I just can't stop thanking God for Jeff's new outlook...don't get me wrong, he's still scared, but the fear is not so consuming right now!!! I'm not sure what (other than God Almighty) caused this change, but honestly, I don't care, as long as it just keeps improving!!!

Blessings to all!!!


Saturday, February 9, 2008


Hello all!

Lately I've had a few people come up to me and tell me that they just talked to Jeff and he seemed to have no problem recognizing them...Jeff never had any trouble remembering people!!! His memory mixup is with daily stuff, like what day of the week it is or what we did last night or what we have to do today etc... He doesn't have a problem with long term stuff, like what he likes to do and our wedding and when his kids were born etc...

So, just a heads up for those of you who weren't's always okay to talk to him when you see him...he knows who you are and appreciates the assurance that you are thinking and praying for him. Keep in mind though that he is almost always worn out lately from the treatments.

Anyway, thank you all for everything...we are extrememly grateful for you!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Just Touching Base...

Not too much has changed since my last post; Jeff's side effects are still not too bad and his memory is remains improved. He will have 2 more treatments (Feb 7th & Feb 21st) before we get another MRI on Feb 25th and then we meet with the doctor for results on the 28th. Also, recently Jeff been saying that he feels he is the cause of his just kills me that he is carrying that load! I keep telling him that the Devil is trying to get a foothold on him and that he needs to resist and rebuke him.
So, now for our immediate prayer concerns...
First that God's name is glorified through all things and that others may come to know the Lord through our journey. Then that Jeff's energy level gets better so he can feel a little more normal, that he is able to resist the devil and let go of the feeling that all of this is happening because of him, and for the effectiveness of the treatments with manageable side affects and positive MRI results later this month.

As always, thank you for keepin on, keeping on!!! We are so grateful for each and every one of you!!!!