Monday, November 26, 2007

Quick Prayer Request

As I told you in my last post, Jeff has started to forget that he has cancer...sometimes within minutes. Today someone said to me, "Why remind him?" "Why not just let him forget?" The answer is that Jeff is not the type who would want to be kept in the dark about something serious, plus he looks in the mirror and wonders why his head is bald on the sides (he hasn't done chrome dome in a few weeks)! Anyway, my hopeful spirit has depleted some from 20 or more times a day of telling him, "They won't operate, but it is not hopeless because they haven't exhausted all their treatment options yet". Then he will ask me if the treatments they've done have worked...I tell him that they haven't seen much change in the tumor so they might change his treatment soon...inside I'm screaming, because it all sounds so hopeless to me!!!
Please pray that I will regain my hope so my strength will just radiate onto Jeff when he is shocked over and over with the fact that he has brain cancer.

Thank you!!!!! God be with you!!!!



Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about Jeff's news. I will pray that you not only find strength for the days ahead but peace in knowing that God is in control. I can't imagine your pain. God is right there, just hold on tight, "Help is on the way" (Mercy Me) We love you both and will continue to pray for you daily!! Love, The Ellens Family

Becky said...

There are no right words I can say, just know we continue to pray!

Anonymous said...

Jayne and Jeff we keep you in our prayers daily. Sometimes it seems God is testing us in every way. We find that in our daily struggle with our daughter.We pray God gives you hope and peace and answers your prayers according to His will.Proverbs 19:21. Love Corky and Kay

Just us Belds said...

I wish there was more that we could do. Just know that we love you both and will keep you in our prayers. Its ok to be frustrated Jayne, you are only human. :)

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

We love you guys.