Thursday, August 16, 2007

A funny thing happened at Radiation...

The other day we went to Jeff's daily radiation treatment and as we were talking to the RT I spoke of in a previous post (Joe) I noticed the name tag he wears around his read "Joseph Delaney" I paused a minute and said to my husband "did you see what his last name is?" Then we told Joe that our daughter was named Dalaynee...Dalaynee Jo...he about flipped his lid (NOTE: because his name tag read "Joseph" I didn't connect the complete irony until a few seconds went by)...we all laughed as our jaws dropped...below is a photo of DALAYNEE JO and JOE DELANEY!

We found out from others later that Joe's wife ran out on him and he is raising 2 daughters on his own...he seems like such a GREAT guy...the more I think of him, the more I believe that I need to invite him to our church...not a natural thing for me, so please pray for courage for me...there are a number of people that we've met in the radiation department that I feel we may need to girl comes to mind, her name is Jennifer and she looks to be in her late 20's or early 30's...she has been struggling with cancer for 3 years in her colon and bones...she is so thin and frail that she needs a wheel chair. We saw her a few times with what seemed to be her mother and then her day we couldn't help but talk to them, every since that day, her and Jeff seem to have this connection...he can't get her off his mind and she can't stop thinking out him either. We told her we'd pray for her and she returned the sentiment...we have been praying, but she's another one that I just feel we need to reach out to before Jeff's done with treatments...I have to be honest, I am more bold and have a new confidence since Jeff's diagnosis...obviously God is more real to me...but I still feel nervous to approach others about my faith. Anyway, I covet your prayers for this part of our journey as well as restoration of Jeff's memory and removal of the cancer.

Blessings to all of you!!!!

1 comment:

Just us Belds said...

that is just the craziest thing ever! Alyssa was reading it with me and couldn't belive it.
Give Jeff a hug from us--luv you guys :)